new year's resolution template

Millions wait for the popular New Year’s mark to make profound resolutions. Declaring to themselves and those around them that this year will be different. Yet, there are some inherent issues with this approach you should be aware of and a template to help.

5 Reasons Why Resolutions Aren’t Enough
  1. Why wait? Each and every moment we’re presented with opportunities to make change. Don’t let those pass you by. They are put there for a reason. Always take advantage of new beginnings.
  2. Why not go further?  Goals are good, but a plan to get you there is better. Yes, this takes some effort, which we all know is kinda the point to life.
  3. Why not mix it up?  Set your sights on big and small accomplishments. Give yourself daily reasons to celebrate, and at the same time long term goals that seem out of reach (but that stretch you too).
  4. Why not commit?  Deciding to do something makes you vulnerable to fail. Sadly, for most, this is a bad word. I say, “Go for it!” Heck, you’ll be that much closer to what you want. Putting them off literally gets you no where.
  5. Why not engrain it?  Make it a lifestyle change versus a diet. Meaning consider this the Version 2.0 of you. The decisions you make should become part of evolving your personal brand.

Here is a great worksheet to get you moving in the right direction. I’ve created one for you and another for kids.

Enjoy, and Happy New Year!

New Year’s Resolution Template (adult) 

New Year’s Resolution Template (child)



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