off the wagon wellbeing

Getting your wellbeing on the right track takes a high level of daily focus. Making it a natural part of your daily activities so wellbeing becomes engrained is the trickiest part. That’s when you can finally raise the flag planting it proudly on the “good habits” you established. And then a series of barriers jump up out of nowhere throwing you off the wagon to wellbeing. Now what? 

Funny enough this just happened to me, and I’m a wellbeing expert.

To boil it down it seemed as though there was one distraction after another that popped up making it difficult to do the things I very well knew drove my wellbeing. Last year over Thanksgiving it all began with my back going out. My physical side is a key quadrant to my overall state of wellbeing. Soon I discovered I had five herniated discs and other horrible things going on across my entire spine. There was no quick fix. Recovery was going to be a long road. Then of course I got that beginning of the year cold that proceeded to filter through every family member in the house. One of my clients was struggling so I had raise my efforts higher there taking away focus from Thrally’s next app push. And so on and so on.

off the wagon wellbeingI guess you could call that windowless time period, a slump of sorts. But because I kept my Thrally Wellbeing Practice alive and well I could easily see where the issues were rooted. However, the actions to right-side myself kept getting waylaid. Overtime my energy spiraled to concerning depths. My resilience suffered. My happiness deflated.

Before you could say “damn skippy” it was more than clear that my balance was unbalanced and my wellbeing was unwell. All of my quadrants (emotional, mental, physical, and spiritual) suffered as did I alongside them. Each day I chose to be happy, but really felt I was merely going through the motions. Which is sometimes a worthwhile safety line.

What I had going for me was the belief that I’d figure it out and I had the tool in hand to help me make it happen. By smothering out the worry, putting faith in time, and striking a gentle spark under my bum, I took the helm driving my wellbeing out of the dark and back into the light.

You see over the years after discovering unequivocally what positive actions, moments, people, and elements filled my cups in each quadrant of self–I knew there is always a way to get back on the wellbeing wagon. Although knowledge like this is powerful, its not quite enough during hard times. I had to trust in my ability to also apply micro effort bursts with diligence, even when under the pressure of on-going set backs. This is called, in its most natural state, having courage.

Courage. What a word! Doesn’t it feel good in your core just to say it? Persevering in the face of adversity is a real accomplishment to be applauded. Research shows that by choosing to act you ignite your courage. Nice psychology concept on courage.

Next time you are feeling off track or you fall off the metaphorical wagon, use your brain, listen to your gut, and find that courage. Thrally on!


One Comment

  1. Work on Relationship with Self First - Thrally™ Well Being Practice

    […] tune this effort to ‘find yourself’ by looking at your overall wellbeing within your four quadrants of self: emotional, mental, physical and spiritual. Within these buckets are mini wellbeing practices to […]

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