when the spirit moves you

Isn’t it amazing that some things we want in life come so easily while others feel like we are crawling burning coals? There is power in sayings that have weathered the times, and one in particular strikes a cord when it comes to finding motivation to doing what matters.

…when the spirit moves you…

Oddly enough, there are various definitions of the meaning around this phrase, and which ever you choose to believe drastically changes your impression and value you attach to the action at hand. Try these on for size.

  • You do something when you want to rather than when you think you should.
  • You’ll take action when you feel like the time is right. (ok, not bad)
  • You want to do something, yet can’t because you lack the strength or energy.
  • You intend to address your desire, but actually are not really that motivated to do so.

Once again perspective reigns. In my thrally mind, I look at this as a good litmus test to find out if I am doing something that supports my true, or higher, purpose in life. Basically, that I am doing what I am meant to do.

When the “spirit moves me” to accomplish something, time moves at a different rate. I am in the zone. I feel I can move mountains. Nothing can stop the flow.

Here is your authentic state of being. You are motivated from a deeper core of self. You feel as though you sprouted wings that can take you anywhere.

This does not mean that if something is difficult it isn’t right for you. We all know that many of the best things in life come from working hard.  And yet, there are times when an objective has so much meaning for you that its weight defines you in such a way that you unconsciously fight its very existence. You freeze because you might inflict a mortal wound if you do it wrong. You fear the possibility of failure.

Now is the time to instill the attributes of a “fighting spirit.” You must cultivate the determination to fuel your action to achieve your purpose. Fight through the freezes and the fears to make what matters most happen.

Being in this space does not take energy in the way you typically might think. Following your path does not deplete you, it ignites you to do and be more. This is because it feeds your spirit. Lifting your spirits high into the place of joy.

It is rather fun to break down the words in “when the spirit moves you.” Basically, spirit means the inner character of a person. Character means qualities distinctive to an individual.  So, let’s adjust our phrase:

…when my distinctive qualities move me…

Yes, it is up to you. Again. Core to this is your belief that your behavior will deliver the ultimate outcome. Have faith in yourself. Build up your self confidence.  Inspire your own empowerment to become self motivated.  Take a leap of faith if you must. As these actions take shape you build momentum. Speeding your progress to what you want. This is where fulfillment becomes an everyday fact of life.

You have the ability to nurture what makes you you–much better than anyone or anything else out there. By tuning into your authentic self and your purpose in life, you are able to find the inner strength to move forward with meaning. Your fire for life is lit within your spirit.

Because at the beginning of each day, where there is a will there is a way. Right? Be mindful of your will.

Lift your spirits here:
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