summer solstice

summer solsticeYep, today is the summer solstice. It may happen every year, but this year has a full moon called the Strawberry Moon that won’t happen again on this day until 2086. We will be under constant celestial light for both day and night hours. Special times call for special measures. With all this light surrounding you, what a perfect time to remind yourself to focus on the light within.

You know what brings joy into your life. How can you structure your day, every day, to make what you care about shine bring in each moment? It doesn’t have to be big. Some joyful thoughts and acts, no matter how small, are better than none. Sprinkle them in between the grey to ignite sparks of happiness. These tendrils of light will touch one another stringing together constructing a thread of light that broadens your glow within.

The beauty of this is what is within eventually shines through. When this happens to you and others around you then the light becomes infectious spreading like wildfire. Wow, sounds pretty brilliant. But let’s get back to celebrating this summer solstice right. Here are some fun ways to get into the groove to get your glow on.

  1. Make a list of everything, big and small, that make you happy. HINT: Take into consideration your five senses.
  2. Clear out then clean up a room or even a drawer. Purge where you can. HINT: Buddhists hold an item in their hand and if it speaks to them they keep it, if not they pass it on.
  3. Gather or buy some flowers and put them in a prominent place you will see all week. HINT: Sunflowers are preferred for this occasion.
  4. Get outdoors for an evening picnic to enjoy the extended light. HINT: Make the food simple, fresh and healthy.
  5. Tell three people specifically why you are grateful for them. HINT: Actually call them or tell them in person, no texting or emailing.
  6. Get spiritual with your good self. HINT: Whatever gets your spiritual juices flowing should be tuned into for a solid 15-45 min.

Events like today are such a wonderful opportunity to recommit yourself to take care of your self. Wishing you a fantastic Summer Solstice.

photo credit: Alan Levine

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